Believe in building great team, great culture, & intuitive delegation with the philosophy of "One Team, One Goal”. Believe in Innovation, Execution, & Bonding. Used to encourage to Ideate, Build, Deliver & Prosper. The team respects the self and the other’s viewpoint, way of life, work, ethics, dignity of labor, time which means a lot to us as human being.

Entrepreneur, Investor & Advisor.
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
- Email: subratparida@outlook.com
- City: Bangalore, India
- Degree: Master
- Advisory: Available
A Technopreneur, responsible for the overall technological and business success of the organisation. In the past, built two successful startups and has successfully exited from one (via an acquisition). He is the innovator in bringing up India's 1st AI Innovation Lab. Believes in making social impact through global revolution and supporting humankind with noble cause.
Facts are the most important thing in business. Study facts and do more than is expected of you. Facts are mirrored to outlay the true sense of belief. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Startups Advised
Team Members
No of Panels
Awards & Felicitations
Do not feel involved if important contributions are not made to the company and the expected result is not defined. Do believe in adding value to systems and being part of series of success.
B2B/B2C Marketing
Marketing is the vehicle to ensure increase in top line and super empowering your sales team
Product Roadmap
A product roadmap is a common source of truth that describes the vision, orientation, priorities and progress of a product over time.
Product Market Fit
Need to Have Vs. Good to Have Product ! It accounts for the strong market demand. A very first step to building a successful venture
Revenue Maximisation
Whether it's adding logos for your business, increasing your top / bottom line, discovering prices, depending on the business case.
Start-up Funding
Angel Investors, Family Funds, HNIs, Venture Capitalists, Crowd Funding, Incubators/Accelerators. Banking / Non-Banking Financial Institutions. Depends on business cases
Press Coverage
Press covered multiple times for opinion on various subjects

News Articles
Collection of News and articles featured along with views or opinion on respective industry, technology, business, & society

Bengaluru, India, 560076